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Put Your Pants Back On! Post Pandemic Protocol for Professionals

We are individuals that constantly change and adapt to our different environments, no matter how hard that might be. The ability to do this during a pandemic is an even greater accomplishment. We know you have a lot on your plate already, that is why we are offering this course to help lighten your workload so that you can focus on other areas of your life. The business protocol has changed tremendously over the past year, and we are learning what our new normal will be. This course will help you find out what that looks like for your business and networking future. We will cover post-COVID networking and conversation etiquette for business professionals served over a three-course meal.

Learning Level: Basic

In-Person, Open to Public and Professionals

Class Registration Fee: $89

Enroll By Clicking Here

August 24

Dining Etiquette Certification

April 16

Pageant Coaching