#SwannCon23 - La Toya Sykes: SWANNvelopment - The 3 F’s: Finance. Friends. Fun

Thinking about how you will meet your financial goals for 2023? Looking for a few tools to add to your toolbox? Come learn how I utilize my skills as a non-profit leader and fundraiser to set and achieve my financial goals for my etiquette business. You will leave this session with specific tools to approach your potential non-profit partners for underwriting of your trainings. I’ll also provide an overview of my 3 F’s: Finance. Friends. Fun - to help you set realistic goals, use your network, and secure that bag. Let’s have some fun!


#SwannCon23 - Monica Hahn: The Value Of Self Worth, Confidence, and Looking Good. Empowerment starts here.


#SwannCon23 - Sarah Yasukochi: ‘Home Edit’ Your Marketing Like a Pro